Women Empowerment: Meaning, Approaches, and Idicators - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-X, Issue-VI, November 2024
Women Empowerment: Meaning, Approaches, and Idicators
Arup Kr Roy, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Gour Mahavidyalya, Mangalbari, West Bengal, India
Received: 19.11.2024
Accepted: 28.11.2024
Published Online: 30.11.2024
Page No: 150-159
DOI: 10.29032/ijhsss.vol.10.issue.06W.016
In the mid-1980s, the concept of empowerment began to gain popularity in development-related fields, especially in terms of women. Empowerment tends to represent the terms 'public welfare, development, mass participation, poverty alleviation' in describing development goals in grassroots-level policies and programs. Women in our society are still not known for their own identity. They are known or identified by their male administrators inside and outside the family.  Empowerment has become a major solution to social problems such as high population growth, environmental degradation, and low status of women. At the same time, the concept of empowerment also emerges as a theoretical and practical conflict. In the 1990s, when terms such as 'participation', 'consultation', 'partnership' etc. began to enter development thinking, the emphasis shifted to an 'enabling' perspective. In this context, the concept of women's empowerment becomes more popular.
Keywords: Women’s Empowerment, Power, Feminists, Approach, Indicators, Resources, Control.
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