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Paper Submission - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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31 May 2025

ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Paper Submission
All the Authors are requested to submit their paper after registration using the submission link.
If you not received any confirmation from our side within 24 hours then please contact with us or resend your paper.
Important Points to note:
1. Article or Research Papers must be preceeded with abstracts writen in English within 250 words.
2. The paper should contain minimum 2500 words.
3. There should be atleast 5 well-choosen key words in English.
4. For Bibliography, Scholars of Humanities may follow MLA format and APA format by the Social Science Scholars.
5. Editors reserve the right to make correction or changes, if s/he perceives it necessary for publication.
6. Paper would be accepted only after consent of the reviewer/s.
7. Supported Language: Bengali & English
Review Process
The review process involves a tripartite co-ordination involving the Chief Editor, Section Editors and Subject Experts (Reviewers) from different institutions and organizations. Each of these personnel has a distinct role to play in the review process. A paper has to pass through all of the above cited three phases for publication. In short, a paper is published only after attaining due recommendation of the  Editor-in-Chief, Section Editor/s and the concerned Subject Expert who has Reviewed the paper
Information regarding the selection or rejection of articles/papers will be only through Email. The journal shall publish the articles/papers only after completion of the formalities mentioned in selection letter. The journal will also not take the resposibility of returning the rejected articles.
After acceptence and completion of formalities regarding publication, the journal will have the right to make amendments (if needed) in the articles/papers to suit the requirement of the journal.
N.B.: Papers will be accepted only when accompanied with abstract (to be written in English only). Submission of papers without abstract (in English) or mere submission of an abstract without the paper attached alongwith would lead to non-acceptance of the same.
Publication Charge
The authors should note that there is no submission fee; however, there is a reasonable publication fee for each accepted article to meet the cost of manuscript handling, blind-eye review, type setting, office cum admin expenses, web-hosting charges, up-loading charges, internet expenses, website update and maintenance, electronic archiving and other recurring expenses. The publication fee is obligatory for publication.
• Indian Authors: The publication fee for single author per accepted paper is Rs. 1000.00 and Rs. 1500.00 for multiple authors.
• Foreign Authors: The publication fee of accepted paper is $40 for single authored paper and $60 for multiple authored papers
• Print copy: Print Copy of the issue can be supplied on payment of Rs. 500.00 per copy. Annual subscription for print copy is Rs. 2000.00 per Volume (inclusive of postal charges within India), Single print copy (Inclusive Postal Charge) can be supplied outside india on payment of 40$ per copy.
The formality of signed copyright form by the author(s) is a precondition to publish the paper in the journal
Designed by:
Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee
(C) Scholar Publications. All Right Reserved
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