Volume-II, Issue-V, March 2016 - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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31 March 2025

ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-II, Issue-V, March 2016
Volume-II, Issue-V, March 2016
Bengali Article
আগুনের পরশমণি ছোঁয়াও প্রাণে : অন্তরঙ্গ পাঠ
Aguner Parashmani Choyao Prane: Antaranga Path
Dr. Goutam Kumar Nag, Associate Professor (French), Dept. of Foreign Languages, University of Burdwan, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.01-08
``দক্ষিণ ত্রিপুরার আঞ্চলিক বাংলা উপভাষা : ক্ষেত্রসমীক্ষা নির্ভর
Dakkhin Tripurar Ancholik Upobhasha: Khetrasamikkha Nirbhor
Dr. Barnali Bhowmick (Ghosh), Principal Investigator for UGC Project, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Bengali, Dasaratha Deb Memorial College, Khowai, Tripura, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.09-13
নির্বাচিত রচনায় দেশভাগের বিতাড়ন লিপি
Nirbachito Rachanay Deshvager Bitaran Lipi
Dr. Indira Bhattacharjee, Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali, S. S. College, Hailakandi, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.14-17
নতুন ইহুদী’ নাটকে প্রতিফলিত উদ্বাস্তু সমস্যা
'Natun Ehudi' Natoke Pratifolito Udwastu Samasya
Priyabrata Nath, Assistant Professor, Department of Bengali, S. S. College, Hailakandi, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.18-21
শরদিন্দু বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায়-এর ব্যোমকেশ বক্সীর কাহিনীতে বাঙালির খাদ্যাভাসের প্রতিফলন
Sharadindu Bandhyopadhyay-er Byomkesh Boksir Kahinite Bangalir Khadyabhaser Pratifolon
Ishani Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Dept., of History, Bethune College, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.22-28
মঙ্গলকাব্য, মিথ ও মধ্যযুগের বাংলার আর্থ-সামাজিক গতিপ্রকৃতি
Mangalkabya, Mith o Madhyajuger Artho-Samajik Gotiprokriti
Priyam Kumar Roy, Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, University of Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.29-33
নদীয়ার টেরাকোটা মন্দির-স্থাপত্যের বৈচিত্র্য, স্বকীয়তা, রীতি, শৈলী এবং অলংকরণের বিষয় ও মোটিফ
Nadiar Terakota Mandir-sthapotyer Boichitra, Swakiyota, Riti, Shoili ebong Alongkoroner Bishoy o Motif
Tanaya Mukharjee, Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Folklore, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India
Sujoy Kumar Mandal, Associate Professor, Dept. of Folklore, University of Kalyani, West Bengal, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.34-47
English Article
BRICS, China and India: Convergence or Divergence
Dr. Chander Bhushan Nagar, Principal Investigator for UGC Project Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Dasaratha Deb Memorial College, Khowai, Tripura, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.48-55
Scenarios of Strategic balance and instability in the Middle East
Dr. Al-Rawashdeh Mohammad Salim, Associated professor, International Relations. Al-Balqa’a Applied University. Princess Alia College for Applied and social sciences. Hashimit Kingdom of Jordan- Amman
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.56-76
The Sharing Economy: Understanding and Challenges
Dr. Artur Borcuch, Institute of Management, The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.77-85
Significane of Financial Inclusion in Small Tea Sector (A Case Study in Dibrugarh and Tinsukia Districts of Assam)
Dr. Deepika Dutta Saikia, Duliajan Girls’ College, Department of Economics, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.86-93
Key Contributions and Future Directions of Academic Social Networking Services for the Digital Academic
Dennis Relojo, Piirus, Correspondent, Warwick, United Kingdom
Sonia Janice Pilao, Centro Escolar University, Assistant Professor, Manila, Philippines
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.94-101
Institutional Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Polytechnic Students in Ghana
Emmanuel Adjei Frimpong, Faculty of Business and Management Studies, Accountancy Dept., Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana
George Aboagye Agyeman, Faculty of Business and Management Studies, Dept. of Marketing, Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana
Frank Frimpong Ofosu, Faculty of Business and Management Studies, Purchasing & Supply Dept., Koforidua Polytechnic, Ghana
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.102-109
Internationl Criteria in Human rights, Culture & diversity in human ethnicity
Azeen Kiani, M. Sc. In Public Law, Faculty member, PNU, Iran
Dr. Hossein Sartipi, Ph. D in International Law, Faculty member and Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.110-131
An Analysis of the Question Papers of the B.A. End-Semester Examinations of Dibrugarh University
Dr. Manashee Gogoi, Asst. Professor, Department of Education, Dibrugarh University, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.132-142
Improving EFL Achievement Tests at High Schools
Le Hai Duy, MA, Dong Thap University, Vietnam
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.143-156
Revolutionary Potentials of the Peasantry in the 21st Century
Inyikalum Daniel B., Department of Political Science, University of Port Harcourt
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.157-162
‘The Nation Want’s to know’- How Prime Time News Hour is Being Stage Managed to pander to the Ego of Big Names: A Case Study on Arnab Goswami’s ‘Newshour’
Naresh, Suparna, Professor, Department of Media Studies, Christ University, Bangalore, India
Abraham, Niju, Scholar, Department of Media Studies, Christ University, Bangalore, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.163-170
Sovereignty and Change in Fundamental Paradigms of it in Modern International Law
Dr. Sartipi Hossein, Member of Faculty in Payame Nour University (PNU), P.hD in International Law, Iran
Hamid Reza Oraee, Student in Master of International Law, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.171-187
Analyzing the Ethnography of Pado’E Community in Nuha Disctrict of Luwu Utara Regency
Lebba Kadorre Pongsibanne & Rismawati
State Islamic University of Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.188-197
Recreation of Female Post Graduate Students A case study of post graduate students of university of Calcutta
Moumita Dey, JRF fellow, Dept. of Geography University of Calcutta, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.198-203
Alcoholism among Youth: A Study from Gods own Country,Kerala, India
Nisanth. M, Faculty, Department of Social Work, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University, Kerala, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.204-214
Rural development with active role of Panchayati Raj in tribal village of Arunachal Pradesh
Millo Seema, Research scholar, Department of Political Science, Rajiv Gandhi University, A.P., India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.215-220
Competition Law and Consumer Welfare: Issues and Challenges
Rahul Mishra, Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.221-225
Right to Life, Traditional Framework of Targeted Assassination and New Challenges in Implementing Human Rights
Dr. Sartipi Hossein, Ph. D in International Law, Faculty member & Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
Mohsen Ghasemi, Master in international law & Legal Advisor, Iran
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.226-243
Problems of Internal Migrants in India
Tribhuwan Kr. Bhartiya, Graduate Science Teacher, Vivekananda Vidyalaya Higher Secondary School, Digboi, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.244-249
A Unique Association of Land And Man; Socio-Economical Differences of Two Social Group Living in A Same Village of Illam Bazar Panchayat, Birbhum District, West Bengal
Tarun Saha, Assistant Teacher in Geography, Metekona High School, Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.250-259
Human Rights Education as a Means of Ensuring the Observance of Human Rights
Topu Choudhury, Asst. Prof. Dept. of Political Science, Chilarai College, Dhubri, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.260-265
Mapping and Monitoring of LULCC through Integrated analysis of Multi-Temporal Images and Change Matrix in Gandheswari River Basin
Biswajit Mondal, Research Scholar, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, India
Biswaranjan Mistri, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The University of Burdwan, Burdwan, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.266-276
Evaluating sanitation and poverty reduction strategies in Port Harcourt City
Inyikalum Daniel B. Department of Political Science, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.277-286
The Correlation Study on Customer’s Perspective for Malaysia Hotel
Leow Chee Seng Dean, Graduate School, IIC University of Technology, Cambodia, Malaysia
Tan Chooi Keong, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Graduate School of Putra Business School, Malaysia
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.287-310
Employment and Poverty in Jharkhand and India
Dr. Balwant Singh Mehta & Dr. Bharat Singh, Faculty, Institute for Human Development, New Delhi and Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Satyawati College (Eve.), University of Delhi
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.311-323
Financial Inclusion and Women Empowerment: JKSRLM (Umeed) in context
Dr. G. N. Qasba, Kapil Sharma, Mohammad Yousuf Bhat & Adil Ashraf Tanki, Research Team Jammu and Kashmir State Rural Livelihoods Mission, Channi, Jammu, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.324-338
The Role of Political Education in the Sustenance of Democracy in Nigeria
Abdulrahman Adamu, Dept. of Political Science, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Federal University, Gusau, Nigeria
Suleiman Mohammed Evuti, Department of Political Science, Al-Qalam University, Katsina, Nigeria
Fadeyi, Toafiq James, Department of Political Science, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Federal University, Gusau, Nigeria
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.339-347
Socio-Economic Status of Barangay Saguma:Basis for Needs Assessment in Identifying Specific Project for Extension Program
Jerry T. Cuadrado & Dr. Helen B. Mantiza, Research and Extension Program, Agusan Del Sur College, Inc., Bayugan City, Philippines
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.348-361
A Study on the Attitude of Elementary School Teachers’ towards Teaching- Profession
Neeta Baglari, Research Scholar (JRF), Deptt. of Education, Gauhati University, Assam, India
Abstract                  PDF                  Page No.362-375
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