Disparities in Agriculture Development of Haryana: An Analysis of Inter-district variations - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-X, Issue-V, September 2024
Disparities in Agriculture Development of Haryana: An Analysis of Inter-district variations
Dr. Pardeep Kaur, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Economics, Hindu College, Amritsar, Punjab, India
Received :21.09.2024
Accepted: 27.09.2024
Published Online: 30.09.2024
Page No:181-189
DOI: 10.29032/ijhsss.vol.10.issue.05W.019
India remains one of the largest agriculture producer globally even after seventy eight years of independence. Regional disparity of development in India continued to remain a serious problem regardless of the regional and economic planning effort by the state as well as central Government. Haryana is a small state in terms of geographical area (44212 Sq Km) which is 1. 3 percent of the total geographical area of India but still it contributes 3.7 percent to the national Gross State Domestic product of India.with this backdrop in, the present study is attempt to analyze the inter-district variations in agriculture development as district wise analysis is very essential in assessing the progress of agriculture development in Haryana.The present study is based on cross -sectional data and analyzed the data on agriculture variables for the year 2021-22. Twelve indicators have been used to achieve the objective of the study. Composite index of agriculture development for twenty one districts of Haryana has been constructed with the help of PCA. The findings of the study indicated that wide disparities in agriculture development indicators found in the districts of Haryana. District Srisa of the Haryana State topped the ranking with an index value of .985 which indicates that Srisa is the most developed district in terms of agriculture development. Sirsa district ranked first followed by Hisar, Bhiwani, Jhejjar and Karnal (ranking, second, third, fourth and fifth respectively).
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