Volume-III, Issue-I, July 2016 - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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31 January 2025

ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Volume-III, Issue-I, July 2016
Volume-III, Issue-I, July 2016
Bengali Article
Surendra Kumar Chakrabortyr 'Narishakti Ba Ashrumalini' : Ekti Punopather Prostabona
Dr. Abhijit Chakraborty
, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Bengali, Karimganj College, Karimganj, Assam, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.01-10
``সুবোধ সরকারের কবিতা: সময়, স্বদেশ ও রাজনীতি
Subodh Sarkarer Kobita: Samay, Swadesh o Rajniti
Dr. Abhijit Gongopadhyay, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Bengali, Nahata J.N.M.S Mahabidyaloya, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.11-19
ইন্দ্রিয়ই প্রত্যক্ষ প্রমাণ
Indriyoi Pratyakkho Proman

Payel Dutta, Guest Lecturer, Bankim Sardar College, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.20-26
প্রবাসী পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত প্রবন্ধে প্রাপ্ত স্থান-নাম: একটি বিশ্লেষণ
Probasi Potrikay Prokashito Prabondhe Prapto Sthan-Nam: Ekti Bishleson

Nantu Acharjya, Research Scholar, Rabindra Bharti University, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.27-40
প্রবাসী পত্রিকায় প্রকাশিত প্রবন্ধে প্রাপ্ত স্থান-নাম: একটি বিশ্লেষণ
Probasi Potrikay Prokashito Prabondhe Prapto Sthan-Nam: Ekti Bishleson

Nantu Acharjya, Research Scholar, Rabindra Bharti University, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.27-40
যুগ অভিঘাতে দুই কবি ও কাব্যঃ চণ্ডীমঙ্গল (মুকুন্দরাম) ও অন্নদামঙ্গল (ভারতচন্দ্র)
Jug Abhighate Dui Kobi o Kabya: Chandimangal (Mukundoram) o Annadamangal (Bharatchandra)

Dipankar Arosh, B. C. College, Burdwan, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.48-55
English Article
Concept of Liberation in the Viṣṇupurāṇa
Dr. Champak Deka, Subject Teacher, Sanskrit, Govt. H.S. School, Karimganj, Assam, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.56-61
Hindu Nationalism in Indian Literatures
Dr. Sanmathi kumar, Associate Professor, Dept. of History, Alva’s College, Moodbidri
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.62-69
The Role of Hawkers in Creating Encroachment: A Case Study of Kolkata
Mohana Basu, Guest Lecturer, Surendranath College For Women, Dept of Geography, W.B., India
Dr. Snehamanju Basu, Associate Professor, Lady Brabourne College, Dept. of Geography, W.B., India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.70-80
Passage from traditional immunity to its modern concept in international law
Dr. Sartipi Hossein, Member of Faculty in Payame Nour University (PNU), P.hD in International Law
Hamid Reza Oraee , Student in Master of International Law, Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.81-94
Elites, Nationalism and Nation-States
Dr. Manoj Kumar Mishra, Programme Coordinator, School of International Studies, Ravenshaw University, Odisha, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.95-103
Genesis and Growth of the Trade Union Movement in Kanniyakumari District
Dr. T.Anitha, Assist.Prof.of History, Sree Ayyappa College for Women, Chunkankadai,  Kanniyakumari, Tamil Nadu
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.104-116
To undermine the Feminist Telenovela: Unveiling and redefining Gender in Cisneros’s “Woman Hollering Creek”
Dr. Thamarai Selvi, Lecturer, Language and Literature, University of Goroka, Papua New Guinea
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.117-126
Entrepreneurial Alertness among Business School Students
Dr. Altaf Hussain Samo, Director Executive Development Center & Internationalization, Sukkur Institute of Business Administration, Pakistan
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.127-137
Hadith About The Prophet Muhammad PBUH Pee Standing In Simultaneous Research
Dr.Damanhuri, Lecturer at the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya Indonesia
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.138-156
Towards Stress Management and Self-Care among School Students
Nabanita Bera, Assistant Professor ( Fulltime Contractual ), Y.S. Palpara Mahavidyalaya (B. Ed Deptt.)
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.157-164
The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution with Special Reference to Bodoland Territorial Council of Assam(Btc)
Dipankar Choudhury, Lecturer; Department of Mathematics, Bhawanipur Anchalik College, Bhawanipur
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.165-173
Swami Vivekananda and the Idea of Democratic Spiritualism: Vedantic Verse on Universal Brotherhood
Subhadip Mukherjee, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Political Science (HoD), Jatindra Rajendra Mahavidyalaya, Amtala, Murshidabad
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.174-180
Iranian people and the race of people settled in the Iranian plateau
Vahid Rashidvash, Dept. of Anthropology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Mahmoud Joneidi Jafari, Assistant Professor at Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.181-191
Terrorism, Migration Crisis and the Future of Borderless Europe
Francis Mbawini Abugbilla, University of Arizona, Tucson, United States
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.192-205
Transformative Agenda for Children - Grassroots Actualities and Opportunities for the State of Karnataka (India)
Deepak Kumar Dey, Ph.D Scholar, Hyderabad, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.206-218
European Institutions, Human Rights, and Democracy in Albania
Frank Fuller, PhD,Chestnut Hill College
Stephen McCullough, PhD,Lincoln University of Pennsylvania
Department of History, Political Science and Philosophy
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.219-234
About to the Question of The Main Origin of Sogdian Rulers
Bobir GAYIBOV, Ph.D., Chief Research Fellow of Samarkand State University
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.235-242
The VijňᾹnavᾹdin Philosophy of Dharmaki̅Rti: Is His Philosophy Purely Idealistic?
Rajlakshmi Kalita, Research scholar, Gauhati University
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.243-250
An overview of Indian Economic Reform (Neoliberalism) and Philanthropy
Nikunja Sonar Bhuyan, Fellow-School Transformation Program, Varthana, Bhubaneswar
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.251-257
The role of Civil Religion in influencing Bhutan’s development policy
Souvik Lal Chakraborty, Master’s Student, University of Osnabrück ,Germany
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.258-265
Fire Accident in Kolkata Slums: A Case Study of Basanti Colony and Tangra Slum-Causes, Consequences and Possible Ways to Mitigation
Sanat Kumar Purkait, Asst. Prof., Department of Geography, Raidighi College (University of Calcutta), West Bengal, India
Soumyajit Halder, Research Scholar, Department of Geography, University of Calcutta, West Bengal, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.266-278
National Identity Management in Nigeria: Policy Dimensions and Implementation
Ayamba, Itojong Anthony, Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria
Ekanem, Okonette,  Department of Public Administration, University of Calabar, Calabar-Nigeria
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.279-287
Factors in China-Korea Relations: A Survey of College Students in China and Korea
Yoon Sung Hong, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Shaoshi Zou, University of Washington, USA
Sang Hyun Park, Korea International School, Korea
Rujun Yan, Dalian Yuming Senior High School, China
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.288-296
A Study of Agricultural Land Tenancy Contract in Barak Valley of Assam
Dr. Jamal Uddin, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, R.K. Nagar College, R. K. Nagar, Assam, India
Abstract                    PDF                    Page No.297-307
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