Deendayal Upadhyay and His Vision for Indian Society - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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31 March 2025

ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-XI, Issue-I, January 2025
Deendayal Upadhyay and His Vision for Indian Society
Dr. Hareet Kumar Meena, Associate Professor, Department of History, Central University of Punjab, Punjab, India
Received: 01.01.2025
Accepted: 21.01.2025
Published Online: 31.01.2025
Page No: 102-108
DOI: 10.29032/ijhsss.vol.11.issue.01W.012
Born in a humble family, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya became a prominent Indian philosopher, and political activist. He played a pivotal role in shaping India’s political and social landscape, and his legacy continues to inspire generations. His philosophy of Integral Humanism emphasized cultural nationalism, Gandhian socialist values, and self-sufficiency, presenting an alternative to Western individualism and materialism. His vision for India focused on social harmony, cultural identity, and economic self-reliance. This is reflected in his principles of Dharmarajya (a just and righteous state), Sarvodaya (upliftment of all), Antyodaya (supporting the most disadvantaged), and Swadeshi (economic independence through self-reliance).
    Integral Humanism underscores the intrinsic interconnectedness between individual well-being and collective societal progress. This philosophy draws deeply from the wisdom of ancient Indian traditions, emphasizing the need for a harmonious balance between material and spiritual growth. It rejects the extremes of individualism and collectivism, advocating instead for a holistic approach that integrates personal development with social responsibility. This timeless philosophy holds profound relevance in the modern world. It offers sustainable development models that respect cultural heritage while promoting economic self-reliance. Its principles encourage inclusive approaches to conflict resolution by fostering mutual understanding and emphasizing shared human values. Additionally, Integral Humanism provides a framework for nation-building that prioritizes unity in diversity, ethical governance, and the upliftment of the marginalized. By addressing the complexities of contemporary challenges, it serves as a guiding light for creating a just, equitable, and sustainable society.
Keywords: Dharmarajya, Sarvodaya, Antyodaya, Culture, Humanism.
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