Content Analysis of Websites of Public Library Located in G7 Countries: A Comparative Study - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-X, Issue-V, September 2024
Content Analysis of Websites of Public Library Located in G7 Countries: A Comparative Study
Dr. Swapan Khan, Librarian, Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, West Bengal, India
Subham Das, Student, Department of Library and Information Science, Jadavpur University, West Bengal, India
Received :19.09.2024
Accepted: 25.09.2024
Published Online: 30.09.2024
Page No:160-173
DOI: 10.29032/ijhsss.vol.10.issue.05W.017
programmes, services, and other aspects of the institution as a whole. It's crucial in today's digital age for all types of libraries to have a rich website of their own, whether they are academic, public, or specialized. This study reveals the differences in the web content provided by the various websites of public library located in G-7 countries. It also evaluates the accessibility of various material formats to both registered users and the general public. The gathered information has been examined in terms of content management for users to create a comparative study that will describe the state of the public libraries in various nations at the moment.
Keywords: Public Library, Library Website, Rich Web Content, G7 countries.
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Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee
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