Bharat Russia Dipakhik Somporko: Bharater Jalani Rirapottar Ekti Bikolpo Gontyobo - International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)

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31 March 2025

ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online) 2349-6711 (Print)
ISJN: A4372-3142 (Online) A4372-3143 (Print)
DOI Publisher Id:10.29032
International Journal of Humanities & Social Science Studies (IJHSSS)
A Peer-Reviewd Indexed Bi-lingual Bi-Monthly Research Journal
Impact Factor: ISRA: 3.019
InfoBase Index: 3.24,  Index Copernicus Value: 68.83
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Paper Submission

Volume-X, Issue-IV, July 2024
ভারত-রাশিয়া দ্বিপাক্ষিক সম্পর্কঃ ভারতের জ্বালানি নিরাপত্তার একটি বিকল্প গন্তব্য
অনিমেশ মণ্ডল, সহকারী অধ্যাপক, বিভাগ রাষ্ট্রবিজ্ঞান, কৃষ্ণনগর সরকারি কলেজ, নদীয়া, পশ্চিমবঙ্গ, ভারত
Received: 15.07.2024
Accepted: 21.07.2024
Published Online: 31.07.2024
Page No: 46-55
DOI: 10.29032/ijhsss.vol.10.issue.04W.006
India’s relations with Russia in post-cold war era have been moulded by global politics. Over past six decades India’s bilateral relations with Russia have been flourished on multiple fronts. Today, Russia becomes more important nation for India because of its energy security. As per global report India is fast economic growing country. Now India is net energy importer next to China and Japan. India needs fuel security for its fast economic growth. So, India will have to find alternative energy destination to ensure of for energy security. Russia is the one of the most importance supplier of fuel to India. India and Russia have made energy cooperation through various channels. Recently, a number of agreements/MoUs were also signed Between India’s Russia regarding the exploration and production of fuel in Russia. Indian oil companies had invested a big amount in the oil and gas sectors at Sakhalin, Vankorneft and Tass-Yuryakh in Russia. However, a few days ago, new Delhi and Moscow aim to establish a long-term arrangement for crude oil supplies during PM Narendra Modi’s visit on July 8-9. India and Russia are natural partners for energy Collaboration. India imports 85% of its oil while Russia is one of the largest exporters. This mutually beneficial collaboration can long trust between the two nations. So, due to domestic demand and rapid economic growth, India can imported energy from Russia and both countries can enrich their bilateral relations. In this article, I have tried to show that the energy security of India why important in present world.
Key words: global, fuel security, cooperation, long trust, bilateral
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Dr. Bishwajit Bhattacharjee
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